our room was crisp and cold as we came bustling in, exploding with suitcases and guitar cases and plastic bags stuffed with sundry items that didn't fit anywhere else. the blinds were open and everything was clean, and we threw bags on the beds as i gave nika a hurried tour.
getting a visit from an old friend is such an interesting experience. it makes all the little intricacies of my life seem both more trivial and more interesting than usual. we went to the museum, south street, wandered around. recalled events of high school and gawky softball practices, shared jokes that nobody here has any chance of understanding.
i was vaguely afraid that there had been some schism created between who i "was" and who i "am," that there was a significant difference between the person i am now and who i had been in highschool and my life before. but we all sat at peter's making breakfast, the people who know me best here and one of my closest friends from home... and i felt perfectly comfortable with all of them, no tensions within myself. which i suppose i should have expected, but it's nice to know anyway.
one doesn't want too many dichotomies, after all.
getting a visit from an old friend is such an interesting experience. it makes all the little intricacies of my life seem both more trivial and more interesting than usual. we went to the museum, south street, wandered around. recalled events of high school and gawky softball practices, shared jokes that nobody here has any chance of understanding.
i was vaguely afraid that there had been some schism created between who i "was" and who i "am," that there was a significant difference between the person i am now and who i had been in highschool and my life before. but we all sat at peter's making breakfast, the people who know me best here and one of my closest friends from home... and i felt perfectly comfortable with all of them, no tensions within myself. which i suppose i should have expected, but it's nice to know anyway.
one doesn't want too many dichotomies, after all.