Rant and Ramble

« Home | oops. » | hello, winter break. why yes, it is a beautiful d... » | snow. » | months ago my mother mailed me several pounds of s... » | i feel terribly fractured, hairline cracks above d... » | i'm cold all through. » | and also: one week of class left. oh, so thankful... » | sunlight, turning leaves, free speech, warm beds, ... » | can't you just see it? a munificent garden on a pr... » | so last year, around this time, i drew a silly lit... » 


the irony, of course, is that i'm doing brilliantly in all my classes.
at crit today, my professor explained to me how much she enjoyed my presence in her class, that she felt i had "vision" and "style." the courses have involved effort, yes, but never more skill than i possess. i even enjoyed the final project, to a degree, and i know i've been producing work at least on par with most of my peers.

but it doesn't interest me, not really, not anymore. my nineteen credits next term will include not a single class related in any way to visual art. i don't mean to say that i plan to remove art from my life - rather, i plan to remove design from my career path, and i find that to be a beautiful prospect. all of my favorite classes from my college career thus far have been those unrelated to my major. i most enjoyed over the summer the time i spent at the SPCA, not that which i spent at the design firm. i refuse to devote any more of my life to dissatisfaction.

amy suggested that i become an english major, and i think i might. seems as good a background as any for a career in used books.

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