the sky is warm today, and i wish the sunlight could reach around our strangelyplaced dorm furniture to replace the flourescent buzzlight that makes my hands look pale.
dinner last night at the thai restaraunt had us commenting again on the fact that americans never would have thought to put those flavors together. ginger and chili and lime swirling with bits of peanut over cabbage and carrots on one plate, and something with subtle bits of coconut and onion to go with a honey and peanut sauce on another... both entirely delicious, and somehow seeming to reveal so much about culture and humanity. the rice was blazing white in a little bowl, curry and tofu and vegetables mingling and exchanging ideas. a tiny votive cast its tiny flickershadows against the dark coral walls, while towering fushia flowers surveyed the meal out of elegant vases.
his head bent over the menu, little concentration expression, and i wonder to myself how a mere three months can possibly hold so much.
dinner last night at the thai restaraunt had us commenting again on the fact that americans never would have thought to put those flavors together. ginger and chili and lime swirling with bits of peanut over cabbage and carrots on one plate, and something with subtle bits of coconut and onion to go with a honey and peanut sauce on another... both entirely delicious, and somehow seeming to reveal so much about culture and humanity. the rice was blazing white in a little bowl, curry and tofu and vegetables mingling and exchanging ideas. a tiny votive cast its tiny flickershadows against the dark coral walls, while towering fushia flowers surveyed the meal out of elegant vases.
his head bent over the menu, little concentration expression, and i wonder to myself how a mere three months can possibly hold so much.