Rant and Ramble

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the celebration of birthdays always seemed a little silly to me. granted, as a child, it was a welcome opportunity for presents and cake, but i certainly never saw the signifigance of the party itself.

i don't remember if it was a conversation i had or a book i read, but somehow the idea came into my head: a birthday is a chance to celebrate your existance upon the earth, a condition that we happen to measure quantitatively but perhaps should look at more subjectively. yes, you've been alive for twenty years, but so have most of the other six billion people on this poor planet. what distinguishes you from them? - and why not use this thing called "birthday" to celebrate those defining features of your life, rather than simple survival for some length of time.

perhaps you are a compassionate friend, perhaps a generous lover. or you are proud and modest and bold, courageous, honest. creative. you are forgiving and patient, beautiful and strong. there are things that many people lack which you have singing within you. integrity. innovation. curiousity.

time is a ridiculous way to measure a life. don't celebrate years, celebrate loves and friendships and growth. know that your presence on this earth makes it a better place. know that you bring light to the lives of those around you. know that you amaze and enthrall and inspire.

and know that when i say "happy birthday" i am saying all of those things.

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