The afternoon was given to me: a two hour massage with chocolate-scented oil, during which he let me turn the heat on because my blood runs cooler than his. When he carefully rubbed each finger in turn I began to cry; the good tears, the happy ones.
Later, I read to him while he cooked, and after an hour he bade me close my eyes, then open them: a gorgeous plate of turkey slathered in rich mole, atop mashed potatoes, all flecked with golden corn, red and green peppers, and slices of orange tomatoes on top. Possibly the most delicious thing he's cooked up yet, and he is a good cook. Then maple ice cream and wine.
All is well.
All is well.
Later, I read to him while he cooked, and after an hour he bade me close my eyes, then open them: a gorgeous plate of turkey slathered in rich mole, atop mashed potatoes, all flecked with golden corn, red and green peppers, and slices of orange tomatoes on top. Possibly the most delicious thing he's cooked up yet, and he is a good cook. Then maple ice cream and wine.
All is well.
All is well.
I don't see how you can say all is well when I don't have ANY of that guacolote con mole here. Humph.
Posted by
Chris |
3/9/07 02:17
THAT sounds GOOD.
Posted by
carol |
5/9/07 00:22
It WAS good. Very, very good.
And, sorry Chris. I keep telling you to come visit, and you don't listen.
Posted by
Kat |
6/9/07 22:17
Sounds delightful, i've been experimenting with mole sauce lately too. have to exchange recipies sometime :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
9/9/07 20:49
It all sounds very, very good.
While you were being treated to massage and mole, I was at Deep Springs for a reunion (my husband's, of course), which was also very good. I thought of you, thought that you would indeed love the place. I feel lucky that I get to visit every couple of years.
Posted by
kimberly |
10/9/07 02:18
Such love. It's beautiful. Thank you for putting it on the page for me to see.
Posted by
Heather |
10/9/07 10:45
Hi Kyle!
Kimberly - I'm still grumpy over that policy of theirs, even though I'm so happy with the school I ended up at. Did you take any pictures?
Heather - thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the kind words. It's a pretty good love, indeed.
Posted by
Kat |
13/9/07 10:00