Today is the memorial.
She said Thank you,
but I think it should be
family only.
So instead of standing
in my black dress, today
we are moving to the farm.
(where access to the internets will be scarce)
She said Thank you,
but I think it should be
family only.
So instead of standing
in my black dress, today
we are moving to the farm.
(where access to the internets will be scarce)
dear, dear kat ~
the incredible orchestra of your life has been playing some of the low notes these past days, and i thank you for staying present with us, for allowing us to be present with you.
your grace becomes you.
i wish you much continued peace and many blessings on your move.
Posted by
diana christine |
1/3/08 08:29
as ever, send me your postal address :) work is sending me to the balkans soon woohoo!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2/3/08 11:17
kat, i love reading your writing. it is always so deep and beautiful. i can tell there was a loss in your life but cant tell who exactly. i'll be thinking of you.
and best wishes on your move; whereever that may be to. just in time for spring. new life!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2/3/08 16:13
Only having the sparse checking of your blog as a source of information causes very dramatic swings in my picture of your life. And I suppose our interaction only stands to get more rarefied.
I sit here trying to type something that isn't complete trite and vacuous and seem to be failing miserably. I'll just say that I hope life continues to provide at least little splinters of the puzzle we're both slowly putting together even if it takes chunks out of you at times.
Take care, Kat.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/3/08 23:58
dc - thanks. it's always lovely to hear your voice here.
niks - I don't even know where the Balkans is. Are.
anonymous :) thanks to you, too.
and hi again geoff. it makes me smile to know you're still checking up on me. the chunks are the puzzle pieces, too.
Posted by
Kat |
7/3/08 21:50
I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier. I love you, and I'm glad that we are connected in this life.
(sorry if this posts twice)
Posted by
LC |
21/4/08 11:06