> jumping into life.

« Home | Spring lunges like a child in rainboots towards a ... » | Turn off the radio, and let the frogs chorus you h... » | Spring on the windowsill, if not yet outside. » | He says, Do you really want babies but got chicken... » | I started writing this morning, about the cloudy s... » | At six-thirty, there was light enough to feed the... » | The sound of an engine outside, stuttering, stalli... » | As promised: » | The wind is so cold. I close up all the vents in t... » | A raw day. Not cold, particularly--in the high 40s... » 


Spring thrums. The vibration wakes me in the night: not rain, not wind, just a sudden jolt of life, a pulse that lifts me out of bed to watch the window, where the lights of passing cars on the highway strobe softly across the trees. In the morning, the foreground has gone green, all the field and marsh and willows, green. The mountains loom bare still, streaked with snow even, still. The birds sing louder than the highway can growl, but not louder than the fly slapping herself against the windowpane.