> jumping into life.

« Home | alright. only thursday and friday now stand betwee... » | my good friend paul just changed his major from cs... » | oh god, oh god. leaving soon soon soon. to do tod... » | i've been so full in my body lately, feeling like ... » | "and judging by your birthday," said the nice lady... » | these days i fluctuate mostly between feeling like... » | in the doctor's office, there is a large spiral-bo... » | now, i'm as comfortable with my body and my sexual... » | malaria pills cost a whole hell of a lot. » | i went most of the day without realizing the date,... » 


it's the end of wednesday. that means it's almost thursday. which is almost friday, which might as well be saturday and then i'm in costa rica and i definitely still don't speak hardly any spanish nor have i obtained gifts for my host family nor have i started to pack.

i miss jason like a big hole in the ground that i keep sidestepping just in time, because i know the hole would spin me all the way to china, and for god's sake i don't speak ANY chinese.

i still can't sleep.