> jumping into life.

« Home | my essay is up, even though i doubt they could hav... » | well, we're getting close. i'm essentially packed,... » | i shouldn't be this fragile anymore. but there's j... » | it's the end of wednesday. that means it's almost ... » | alright. only thursday and friday now stand betwee... » | my good friend paul just changed his major from cs... » | oh god, oh god. leaving soon soon soon. to do tod... » | i've been so full in my body lately, feeling like ... » | "and judging by your birthday," said the nice lady... » | these days i fluctuate mostly between feeling like... » 


its raining. that's because its the afternoon. it rains in the afternoon. also in the morning, and generally every night. and, it seems, whenever else the clouds feel like letting loose.

therefore, everything is green. todo es verde, ah, que verde! we have an avocado tree in the backyard, a banana tree in the front. flowers and fruits that i don't know the names of and couldn't pronounce if i did. more greens than pennsylvania even, and we watched tonto y mas tonto on tv last night, after the futbol but before los simpson.

i speak more spanish than i thought i did; i understand almost everything, provided i can get whoever is talking to me to speak slow enough. i learned probably thirty new words today and don't remember any of them. but tomorrow i will learn them again. they let us speak to each other in english today, and during our tour of the area also spoke in english when we needed it. after tomorrow, they won't. mi madre does speak english, enough that she can fill in for the words i simply don't know. we sat on her couch for a few hours last night, the dictionary between us, and i tried to explain what my dad does for a living, what i want to do with my life, and how i feel about the american government - all topics i have enough trouble explaining in english. in class we talked about the recall, and the weather, and whether the color of my hair helps me blend in enough to counter my blue eyes. i told him that Jason's dog is crazy because she runs around and barks a lot - when he asked my why i don't like Bush, i told him because he's crazy and he barks a lot. it was comforting to realize that i can have a sense of humor even in a langauge i barely understand.

this is a city. a city famous for its catcalls and pedestrian deaths, in a country famous for rainforests and justicia socialidad. in the empty lots, plants claw and crowd, soaring feet above the fenceline, shadowing the houses. this is the rainiest month, and noviembre the greenest.

tambien: it's very lucky that i like beans and rice. even for breakfast.